Product Information
The Zoombinis 3rd Grade Learning System is an outrageous educationaladventure that is as fun and addictive as it is educational! With twosoftware titles plus math flashcards and reward stickers, your childwill be flying through essential 3rd grade skills in no time. In the Zoombinis CD, the Zoombinis are in perilous troubleand the escape rests squarely on your shoulders or more accurately,your brain - with nine perplexing puzzles and three levels ofdifficulty each perilous challenge will test your mathematical andscientific thinking skills. With the Thinkin' Science CD, youcan build fundamental skills and learn to think like a scientist with 5encouraging environments that introduce science methods and concepts. Also included are dozens of math flashcards that providecontinued learning and fun when away from the computer as well asreward stickers so your child can decorate notebooks, backpacks, andmore for a job well done.Dozens of Lessons in:
The Zoombinis 3rd Grade Learning System is an outrageous educationaladventure that is as fun and addictive as it is educational! With twosoftware titles plus math flashcards and reward stickers, your childwill be flying through essential 3rd grade skills in no time. In the Zoombinis CD, the Zoombinis are in perilous troubleand the escape rests squarely on your shoulders or more accurately,your brain - with nine perplexing puzzles and three levels ofdifficulty each perilous challenge will test your mathematical andscientific thinking skills. With the Thinkin' Science CD, youcan build fundamental skills and learn to think like a scientist with 5encouraging environments that introduce science methods and concepts. Also included are dozens of math flashcards that providecontinued learning and fun when away from the computer as well asreward stickers so your child can decorate notebooks, backpacks, andmore for a job well done.Dozens of Lessons in:
- Match
- Writing
- Earth Science
- Critical Thinking
- and more!
Product Highlights
- Two fun and exciting software games to help kids learnbasic 3rd grade math and science
- Solve problems using hypothesis, experimentation,observation, and deduction
- Dozens of flashcards provide continued learning and funwhen away from the computer
- Colorful stickers are perfect for encouraging andrewarding students
Product Features
Zoombinis CD
Zoombinis CD
- An engaging adventure packed with wacky characters andfun-filled puzzles teaching mathematical skills and scientific problemsolving
- Explore 9 perilous puzzles with 3 levels of difficulty thattest math and logic skills
- Challenges featuring new concepts like binary numbers,networks,permutations, and more
- Helpful puzzle clues and a handy practice mode buildconfidence every stepof the way
- Build fundamental skills and learn to think like a scientist
- Solve problems using hypothesis, experimentation,observation, and deduction
- 5 Encouraging environments introduce scientific methods andconcepts
- Learn about basic Earth, life, and physical sciences
- Dozens of flashcards provide continued learning and funwhen away from the computer
- Review multiplication concepts
- Bonus learning tip sheet to get the most out of thelearning experience
- Colorful stickers are the perfect reward for a job welldone
- Decorate notebooks, backpacks, and more
- Zoombinis CD
- Thinkin' Science CD
- Math Flashcards
- Reward Stickers
Skills Learned
- Algebraic Thinking
- Patterns and Functions
- Data Analysis
- Listening and Writing
- Critical Thinking
- Logical Reasoning
- Animal Science
- Earth Science
- Memory Skills
Windows Requirements
- Windows 98SE, ME, Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP1
- Pentium II 300 MHz processor or higher
- 64 MB of RAM (128 MB of RAM for Windows XP)
- 50 MB of free hard disk space
- 8X CD-ROM drive or faster
- DirectX 8 (included on CD)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 (included on CD)
- 800 x600 24-bit color video card
- Windows compatible sound card and speakers
- Keyboard and mouse
Macintosh Requirements
Item Condition: New
- Macintosh OS 8.6 to 9x / OS X
- PowerPC 180 MHz processor or higher
- 64 MB of RAM (128 MB of RAM for Mac OS X
- 45 MB of free hard disk space
- 8X CD-ROM drive or faster
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 (included on CD)
- High color 24-bit graphics display
- Standard Macintosh sound and speakers
- Keyboard and mouse
Item Condition: New